“Your Lungs Needs Air Like Your Soul Needs Prayer”
The department of pulomonology deals with disease of lungs, bronchi, bronchioles. Respiratory Medicine is a clinical specialty dealing primarily with diseases of the lungs but also their effects on other organs. Many diverse pathological processes are involved in producing such disorders and in addition to the common diseases such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and carcinoma of the lung, many other inflammatory, infective and degenerative processes lead to a wide variety of diverse diseases. Respiratory medicine has a broad range of conditions and many types of tests are used to understand and diagnose these conditions such as breathing tests -pulmonary function tests, x-rays, CT scans and bronchoscope (a fibrotic view of the airways). Our dedicated team of best in class respiratory physicians offers a complete range of tests and treatments for lung disease. Our Services:
Some of the symptoms a GP can refer a patient to our service for include:
- Management of Cough
- Evaluation of Breathlessness
- Investigation of Haemophysis
- Management of COPD
- Management of Pneumonia
Our rapid access services include:
- Interventional Bronchoscopy
- Lung Function
- High Resolution CT Scan
- Rapid Diagnosis Services
- Multidisciplinary Care
- Management of Emphysema
- Evaluation and Treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension
- Evaluation and Treatment of Pulmonary Fibrosis
Our Pulmonologist
Dr. Praveen Kumar B S
Dr. Praveen Kumar B S
Dr. Praveen Kumar B S
Dr. Praveen Kumar B S
Dr. Pallavi Tripathi
Dr. Pallavi Tripathi
Dr. Pallavi Tripathi
Dr. Pallavi Tripathi
Dr. Shadbad Husain
Dr. Shadbad Husain
Dr. Shadbad Husain
Dr. Shadbad Husain
Dr. Deedepeeya
Dr. Deedepeeya
Dr. Deedepeeya
Dr. Deedepeeya